Graduating from college can be an emotionally-conflicting experience. There are the obvious feelings of accomplishment and triumph. The process of obtaining your college degree likely featured a number of difficult challenges, and you should feel great about your success.

There is a shortage of accountants in Florida. Demand for accounting professionals is far exceeding supply, and it seems the pool of available talent continues to dwindle each year. What’s to blame for this? For one,

David Sprinkle, Managing Partner with Veritas Recruiting Group, was on Fox 35 Good Day Orlando to discuss the increasing trend in adults taking an “Adult Gap Year.” How do you know if it’s right for you and how can you take one without completely derailing your career? David provides his expert advice on the topic.

January 25, 2017: David Sprinkle, Managing Partner with Veritas Recruiting Group, gave a TEDx style talk at Rollins College in Winter Park, FL

Veritas on Fox – Open Work Spaces
December 2, 2015 – Veritas Recruiting Group’s Managing Partner David Sprinkle was on Fox 35 Good Day Orlando this morning discussing open floor plan offices.
Things to keep in mind:
- Bull-pen style open floor plan offices have many challenges, mostly centered around the distracting elements that negatively affect productivity.
- Open floor plans are especially difficult for creative positions, engineers, and technical professionals like accountants.
- It’s important to have office rules to reduce distractions…ie. if the head phones are on, do not disturb.