Looking for Talent
Your Solution:
How important is it for you to hire the very best person for the job???
If your answer is that it’s extremely important and that your company succeeds or fails based on the people you hire… then we should talk!
Even with unemployment rates as high as 15%-18%, it’s still hard to find highly skilled corporate professionals. High unemployment does not translate into an abundance of qualified candidates, instead, high unemployment clogs your inbox with more unqualified candidates.
10%-20% unemployment means 80%-90% are working. Do you want a 20% chance of finding the right person or a 80% chance?
Don’t waste your time or money settling for average. You get what you pay for and the companies we partner with pay us a premium to find, attract and cherry-pick the top-tier talent to join their team. They appreciate our thoroughness, ethics, and results.
How You Benefit
Direct-Hire Placement:
- Save Time – Our recruitment solutions will help you accelerate your hiring timeline over 50% which locks in the best talent.
- Avoid Costly Mistakes – Hiring the wrong person costs you 3-6 times their salary. We’ll help you get it right the first time and save that money.
- Return On Investment (ROI) – Decrease turnover by hiring the best talent. Top TALENT = More PRODUCTIVITY = Higher PROFITS.
- Peace of Mind – You will make the hiring decision knowing that you are hiring the best person for the job and the best fit for your company.
Temporary Staffing:
- Save Money – Highly qualified temps can get work done quicker, shortening the time needed to pay for temporary staffing.
- Save Time – Our recruiting strategy ensures that we have qualified talent at the ready, when you need them.
- Risk Free – Our first day guarantee ensures that you are satisfied with the work performed by our temporary associate.
Recruiting Practice Areas