If your New Year’s resolution is to find a new job in 2019, you’re selecting a tremendous year to do so. Not only is this time of the year a great time to seek out a new job, but today’s hiring market is a high-demand, low-supply market, which gives you strong leverage during the hiring process. Whether you’re unhappy in your job or you simply want a change of scenery, 2019 is the perfect year to accelerate your job hunt and accelerate your career. Here are three tips for ensuring that you complete your New Year’s resolution:
Refresh Your Resume
Your resume is the first thing that a recruiter or hiring manager will see, and depending on how it looks, it may be the only application material they look at. On average, the person reviewing your application will only spend six seconds looking at your resume, so you want to make sure yours is updated, refreshed, and that it draws attention.
There are many ways that you can get your resume in tip-top shape, but the most important tip you should keep in mind is to highlight your accomplishments. As a recruiter, I see a lot of resumes. The mistake I see the most often is that job seekers simply list what they’ve done, instead of what they’ve accomplished.
If you haven’t updated your resume in a while, it may take some time to recall your accomplishments. It can be hard to recall what we had for breakfast last Tuesday, so remembering the results of the project you led 18 months ago can be very challenging. To help ease this process in the future, it’s a good idea to regularly update your resume, even when you’re not actively looking for work. Or, keep a running document where you jot down your accomplishments at work, then reference it when you’re updating your resume.
Review Your LinkedIn Profile
Your resume is the first thing that a hiring manager or recruiter will review when considering your application, but shortly after you can be sure that they’ll check out your LinkedIn profile. If you keep your LinkedIn profile updated and active, skip ahead to the next section. If not, you got a bit of work to do if you want to accomplish your New Year’s resolution.
Here’s a quick checklist for ensuring your LinkedIn profile is ready for a job search:
- Updated Work History: Make sure that your work history is consistent with your resume.
- Professional Picture: Set a recent and professional photo as your display picture. That awesome vacation selfie you took last summer is great for Instagram, but not on LinkedIn.
- Profile Summary: Draft a concise and informative profile summary so that people can quickly understand who you are as a candidate.
- Recommendations: Your connections and recommendations can be huge assets during your job search. If you haven’t been recommended or endorsed in a while, ask some of the past colleagues or supervisors to take a moment to do so on your behalf.
Partner with a Recruiting Firm
What usually obstructs us from achieving our New Year’s resolutions? More times than not it’s time. Time is a precious resource, and when you’re looking for a new job, you’ll need some time to be thorough in your search. Between your current role, the holidays, and all of the other time-draining elements of your life, job search time can be hard to come by.
How can you find your next job without committing the time and effort to your search? By partnering with a recruiter. Recruiters will work on your behalf to identify career opportunities that align with your skill set and your career trajectory. Best yet, it won’t cost you a cent.
Learn more about the advantages of partnering with a recruiter for your job search.
How Veritas Recruiting Group Can Help You Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution
Don’t let your New Year’s resolution of getting a new job elude you in 2019. Here at Veritas Recruiting Group, we have business relationships with a host of amazing companies.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you find a great opportunity.